г. Усть-Каменогорск, Красина 12/4

Project Launch event

European Union supports new project to empower civil society for public evaluation of state programmes in Kazakhstan

Astana, Kazakhstan – 26 June 2024, the project «Dialogue between civil society and government — the way to a high quality of life» was launched in Astana, with a grant of EUR 400,000 from the European Union (EU). The event was held in person, with about 30 participants in attendance.

The launch event presented the project’s goals, objectives, expected results and work plan for 2024. The participants learned about the prerequisites and expectations of public control mechanism, the main players in the area of public control as well as regulations and procedures for engaging in state matters. The role of the newly created Coalition of CSOs and the benefits of public participation mechanisms were also discussed.

Since May 2024, Consulting Center «ZUBR» (Ust-Kamenogorsk city) started the three-year project in partnership withPF «Citizens’ Alliance of Kostanay region «GrIn». The project aims to strengthen the influence of civil society organizations through participation in the evaluation of state programmes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was attended by representatives of various Ministries, including the Ministry of Culture and Information, heads of leading non-governmental organizations, representatives of central government agencies, international organizations, and the expert community, who are interested in the project and are ready to become a driving force for positive changes in conducting public evaluation of government programmes.

For more information please contact: Natalia Vassilyeva, ZUBR Consulting Centre, tel: +7 776 473 44 88; or EU Delegation to Kazakhstan at delegation-kazakhstan-pic@eeas.europe.eu  


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