г. Усть-Каменогорск, Красина 12/4

Некоммерческий холдинг ЗУБР EU 2024-27,Новости Technologies of public expertise. 1st stage of training

Technologies of public expertise. 1st stage of training

On March 12 and 13, 2025, Astana will host first training program (from a series of seminars) «Technologies of public expertise» for members of the republican Coalition of non-governmental organizations «Public Control», heads of leading non-governmental organizations and the expert community, who are ready to become a driving force for positive changes in conducting public assessment of government programs and projects.

During the training, the current legislative framework for the initiation and conduct of expertise will be presented. The seminar participants will discuss the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in public expertise, as well as opportunities for further advocacy of the results. The project team will also focus on such important components as: the development of strategies for conducting expertise, the influence of stereotypes in society during research, positive and negative cases from practice.

Since May 2024, the ZUBR Consulting Center (Ust-Kamenogorsk) has been implementing a three-year project in partnership with the Public Foundation GRiN Civil Alliance in the Kostanay region funded by the European Union. The project aims to strengthen the influence of civil society organizations by participating in the evaluation of government programs and projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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